Cessna 150L


Purchased 1972 Cessna 150 L model


Began the transformation of the 150 from paint to no-paint.


Last paint stripping of 2020. Quite a bit of progress, I think. Because of the hangar environment in which I'm working, the paint stripping process is slow and careful. I do about 1 square foot at a time. Process is: 1) paint on the stripper with a brush and wait awhile 2) use plastic scrapper to pick up the paint goo and put it into a container 3) wipe/scrub the remainder off with acetone on a paper towel. This process works really well for the original paint on the 150.


The bulk of the paint stripping is complete. Minor fiberglass repair and touch-up paint of cowl. Plan to stay status quo with the white paint color.